One of the few things sometime coming up in your ticket request. Calling stored procedure from ABAP to remote SQL server.
How do we send the NULL value? It seems sending the ind_ref with -1 solve this.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_input, orderid(50), materialid(50), description(80), user1(50), user2(50), END OF ty_input, BEGIN OF ty_output, orderid(50), END OF ty_output. DATA: ls_input TYPE ty_input, ls_output TYPE ty_output. CONSTANTS: gc_null TYPE int2 VALUE '-1'. * Create db connection DATA(lr_sql_connection) = cl_sql_connection=>get_connection( 'MSSQL' ). DATA(lr_statement) = lr_sql_connection->create_statement( ). DATA(lo_struct) = CAST cl_abap_structdescr( cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( ls_input ) ). DATA(lt_comp) = lo_struct->get_components( ). CLEAR: ls_input. ls_input-orderid = 'ABC123'. ls_input-materialid = 'MAT01'. ls_input-description = 'Order for MAT01'. * Input fields LOOP AT lt_comp INTO DATA(ls_comp). ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_comp-name OF STRUCTURE ls_input TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<cell>). IF <cell> IS INITIAL. lr_statement->set_param( data_ref = REF #( <cell> ) ind_ref = REF #( gc_null ) "Send NULL if field has no value inout = cl_sql_statement=>c_param_in ). ELSE. lr_statement->set_param( data_ref = REF #( <cell> ) inout = cl_sql_statement=>c_param_in ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. * Output fields lr_statement->set_param( data_ref = REF #( ls_output-orderid ) inout = cl_sql_statement=>c_param_out ). TRY. lr_statement->execute_procedure( proc_name = 'ST_ADDORDER' ). WRITE: / 'OrderID: ', ls_output-orderid. CATCH cx_sql_exception INTO DATA(lx_00). DATA(lv_exception) = | An exception occurred with SQL_MESSAGE = { lx_00->sql_message }|. WRITE: / lv_exception. ENDTRY. * Close db connection lr_sql_connection->close( ).
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