No idea really .. will test it out. I have been toying an idea since long ago but due to the prices for the tuning boxes .. it was last in my to-have list for my Triton. Somehow, somebody in motortrader forum brought back the old issue, so .. as usual, me .. with the 'hantu' ebay .. looking for a good bargain until I found one seller which is selling a Vector Tuning box and the price is .. guess what.. half the price they're selling it here locally. Further enquiries and found that the seller is one of the main distributor for Vector and I was well assured that my Triton engine is in the list .. so .. ordered one unit end of last week and now waiting for it to be delivered.. hopefully passes the customs with no problem or otherwise, I need to go down to KLIA once again.
I will update this blog with latest info .. as and when I receive my box.

Where should it goes to? Here???

DONE! Power? What power? haa..haa.. see, I'm not good in evaluating stuff .. they might sell duff box to me without me knowing it .. wondering, the thingy has microprocessor isn't it? Does the cable provide power to it? What kind of communication it has over the connector? I guess since it has only three wires, it might be serial stuff.. and it should be learning my driving style now.. should I push it hard or go soft?
Update 18/06/09:
Had a go at MRR2 this morning .. It might be just my feeling .. I feel the car is lighter, a slight push of throttle and it zooming ... and going from 80 to 110km/h is spiffy .. ah.. might just be the feeling of the RM spent on the vector made me think that suddenly my Triton has more power to it.. oh.. one other thing, sorry for those drivers that I cut into this morning .. suddenly I couldn't stop the Triton from zig-zaging in the traffic..
use petrol vehicle la... 4x4 or SUV know to use loads of gas than cars =)
see you in court......i'll sue you..ha..ha..ha
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