Monday 9 June 2008

DXing at Bagan Lalang


Had DXing fun last weekend at Bagan Lalang with few friends from Wilayah V17, Temerloh and few others from around KL. We've had a chance to test a new 3-band YAGI provided for this DXing session by 9M2RS.. Anyway, those who attended the event were: 9W2CIA, 9W2TLB, 9W2POK, 9M2RZL, 9W2RZL, 9W2TKK, 9W2EGG and one SWL. Few friends dropped by at night were 9W2NIK, 9W2RI, 9M2CIA, 9M2/V8BDM, 9M2/V8BDL.

Photos taken by 9M2RZL could be found in his and some are linked here just for some of you to envy :D

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